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Christian holidays have pagan roots

Springtime, Easter, a truly magical time when the Earth seems to reawaken from the cold depths of winter.

2011 will be too late to bring our soldiers home

Four more Canadian soldiers find themselves buried while fighting a false war that the Americans started in the name of fighting terrorism. Where are they now? Too busy in Iraq, it seems.

Columnist’s observations impressive

I want to thank Michelle Stirling-Anosh for her March 21 column, headlined Native father a victim of circumstance?

Bush was right about weapons of mass destruction

I saw a crowd of people on TV shouting insults to George W. Bush, when he visited Calgary recently, saying he should be tried as a war criminal.

New lawyer for accused car thieves

The case against four people charged with the disappearance of about 30 vehicles from a car dealership took another twist on Wednesday.

Condoms are not the solution to AIDS

Of course, “Condoms save lives,” theoretically, just as “fidelity within heterosexual marriage and sexual abstinence” (Pope Benedict) also may.

Property owners should fear Bill 19

For anyone who owns a home, farm or business, or depends on one, the Alberta Conservatives’ new Bill 19 is something to be afraid of.

Why would anyone steal from a charity?

“If you need it and we’ve got it, you can use it at no cost, no qualifying, for as long as you need it.”This is the motto of The Lending Cupboard — a private charity that provides medical equipment free of charge to the people of Central Alberta and beyond.

Politicians will need vision to rebuild economy

Our economic houses are falling down and the interior rot that created this problem is beginning to show.

Midget hockey coach much appreciated

I am contacting the Red Deer Advocate in regards to an amazing person I have had the pleasure of knowing for the past year and a half.