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Letter: Christmas pageants during COVID

Letter: Christmas pageants during COVID

Children loved going to the malls on Halloween – all dressed up and warm. However, only one mall was open this year and only for a couple of hours. The other mall remained closed but they are open when they can make money. Who made those decisions? Go figure!
Letter: Keep beautiful Canada free

Letter: Keep beautiful Canada free

The following letter was submitted by Jason Peck, Red Deer County, written by his late uncle. It was originally written in 1991.
Letter: Preserving small town history

Letter: Preserving small town history

Small towns are under appreciated; more accurately, stories about small towns and their inhabitants are under appreciated and glossed over by ‘big city’ folks.
Letter: City councillors urged to stand their ground

Letter: City councillors urged to stand their ground

I see we have elected a councillor left over from the P.C. party to city council.
Letter: City councillors need to lead by example

Letter: City councillors need to lead by example

Red Deer city councillors are exempt from COVID vaccinations. It was very disappointing to read about this exemption in the Oct 26 edition of the Advocate.
Letter: Vaccines reduce risk of Delta variant infection

Letter: Vaccines reduce risk of Delta variant infection

Red Deer city councillor Victor Doerksen says that the city should remove its mandatory vaccine policy for staff because both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can spread COVID. This is true, but grossly misleading.
Letter: City vaccination policy should apply to council members

Letter: City vaccination policy should apply to council members

It is unfortunate that the city mandate for vaccination does not apply to city council.
Letter: In favour of Standard time

Letter: In favour of Standard time

Premier Jason Kenney, how in the world can you be so out of touch with “your” Albertans.
Letter: Transparency needed at Red Deer City Hall

Letter: Transparency needed at Red Deer City Hall

The recent Advocate web poll shows that respondents are almost equally divided on the question, “Are you happy with the municipal election results.” Unfortunately, this division is already visible.
Letter: I stand with Indigenous community

Letter: I stand with Indigenous community

Walk softly and ponder deeply.