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Letter: Albertans should change the way we vote

Letter: Albertans should change the way we vote

Another election has come and gone and what will change for the electorate? I continually see the repeating of habits that get us nowhere.
Letter: Peace is possible but we must make changes

Letter: Peace is possible but we must make changes

With the 20-year anniversary of 9/11 and so much more that has happened since, I look at the world around me and see a world that has potential to change, but to move forward in a positive way, we as a society need to be able to change.
Letter: Get vaccinated and give us a fighting chance

Letter: Get vaccinated and give us a fighting chance

I recently watched Premier Jason Kenney spill out his rhetorical implementations to combat our present COVID-19 crisis.
Letter: Albertans need to get vaccinated

Letter: Albertans need to get vaccinated

The highly contagious COVID-19 Delta variant seems to be outsmarting scores of Albertans. Through respiration – the virus spreads and becomes weaponized. How is it possible that despite the vaccine advantage in a developed nation such as ours – many Albertans and Canadians risk dying or suffering from debilitating long term health effects caused by a virus which could have been prevented simply by being inoculated with an approved vaccine?
Letter: Why you shouldn’t vote for Trudeau

Letter: Why you shouldn’t vote for Trudeau

It seems that Justin Trudeau was elected Liberal leader based on his looks and celebrity status. Now that the federal election is imminent, hopefully the voters will do a thorough evaluation of Trudeau’s competence and critically judge him on his performance.
Letter: Premier needs to be lead or step aside

Letter: Premier needs to be lead or step aside

Our Premier Jason Kenney needs to do his job.
Letter: Making downtown problems worse

Letter: Making downtown problems worse

What if I told you that our local animal shelter is no longer going to allow their dogs and cats to stay indoors this winter?
Letter: Get vaccinated and wear your face mask

Letter: Get vaccinated and wear your face mask

My solution to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Letter: Open minded discussions needed instead of screaming, stone throwing

Letter: Open minded discussions needed instead of screaming, stone throwing

Recently we’ve been subjected to the rantings of well-organized political lobbying hate groups dogging the campaign stops of the Prime Minister of Canada.
Letter: Hospitals under stress with COVID patients

Letter: Hospitals under stress with COVID patients

The hospitals are under tremendous stress due to a high number of COVID patients.