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Government workers shouldn’t strike

Re: Joe McLaughlin’s Insight, Stacking the deck against labour, Red Deer Advocate, June 18.

Re: Joe McLaughlin’s Insight, Stacking the deck against labour, Red Deer Advocate, June 18.

It seems to me that in exchange for employment with any government in Canada where a worker generally enjoys better wages and more benefits such as better pensions, more paid sick days, better job security, etc., than in the private sector, a person needs to understand that being and staying on the job is essential to all Canadians at all times, and he or she should be prepared to give up the right to strike for any but the most serious of issues.

Don’t like the work, the pay or the conditions of your government job? Please, move over, just quit and let someone else more suitable to the situation have it!

Len Nederlof

Red Deer