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Parents must speak out for special needs children

This letter is in response to a recent article in the Red Deer Advocate about disabled students.

This letter is in response to a recent article in the Red Deer Advocate about disabled students.

I am a mom of three kids, two of whom have special needs of some varying degree. I have been fighting for years, and I mean years, to get them the help they need.

One struggles so much in school that we sometimes end up with three to four hours of homework! Thank God he has had amazing teachers over the last couple of years.

We, as parents of special needs students, need to stand up and make our voices heard. Do not take no for an answer!

You are your child’s biggest advocate, and sometimes, you are their only voice.

These kids will have a long road ahead of them, if they do not get the help they deserve.

Shelley Rodney
