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Kitchen Confessions: Overnight Breakfast Delight

These days, if we can learn anything from Pinterest, it is that everything seems to look and taste better when it’s served in a tiny decorative mason jar. Soup in a jar, salad in a jar and my favourite … breakfast in a jar. No, it really is. Don’t worry I’m not going to share with you some convoluted recipe for scrambled eggs and sausage encased in a glass jar.

These days, if we can learn anything from Pinterest, it is that everything seems to look and taste better when it’s served in a tiny decorative mason jar. Soup in a jar, salad in a jar and my favourite … breakfast in a jar. No, it really is. Don’t worry I’m not going to share with you some convoluted recipe for scrambled eggs and sausage encased in a glass jar.

I want to share a recipe for something so lovely … I couldn’t even make up a name for it – except to call it a delight. It’s kind of like a muesli, but it’s also like a pudding? It’s chewy and filling and packed with protein and all the good stuff you need to fuel you for the morning. Best thing, as with all the recipes I share on Kitchen Confessions, you can adapt this recipe to fit all of your dietary needs or various picky eater hang-ups.

The base of this goodness comes from the combination of yogurt and cottage cheese. The addition of steel cut oats and chia seeds adds one level of textural surprises, but then the crunchy apple with cinnamon brings on a burst of freshness. You feel healthy and energized when you eat this without having to choke down a protein powder drink (I do like those too) and it’s easy to whip up without having to make a mess in the morning. Thing to remember: this really needs to be made the night before so that the oats can soak up the liquid and soften – otherwise you’re going to have a pretty crunchy breakfast.

I mentioned the adaptability of this recipe; here’s how: can’t do dairy? There are so many lactose-free options these days, it’s crazy – I recently came across lactose free cottage cheese and am amazed – it’s a little softer than the regular kind, but it’s good! Same goes for the milk – try almond milk, coconut milk, why not a bit of soy milk? I like to add an apple into this, but what about chunks of sliced mango or pineapple – sprinkle in some coconut flakes and you will be transported on a tropical vacation! There are hundreds of flavours of yogurt these days too – use that as your inspiration and even play around with some toppings. I like fresh berries on mine (pack those separately) but what about using some nuts or a sprinkle of granola?

Whatever combination you decide to make, I promise you this is going to become one of your favourite “to-go” breakfasts. Don’t forget to visit the facebook page and share your combos with the rest of us.

Overnight Breakfast Delight


1/3 cup cottage cheese

1/3 cup vanilla yogurt

1 apple, remove seeds and dice

3 tbsp milk or milk substitute

2 tbsp uncooked steel cut oats

1 tbsp chia seeds

1/8 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp honey or maple syrup

Combine all ingredients into a jar with a tight fitting lid and shake or stir to combine. Refrigerate overnight and enjoy in the morning. I have made these about three days in advance, if you’re into the meal prep thing, but normally I just make it the night before.

Shannon Yacyshyn is a local foodie. You can find Kitchen Confessions Red Deer on Facebook.