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Stay off Lacombe ponds

Ice on some Lacombe water bodies deemed unsafe

Despite the recent low temperatures, the ice on Lacombe area ponds is too thin and residents are asked to stay away.

The City of Lacombe is asking residents to stay off some of the water bodies including Cranna Lake, Royal Oak, Iron Wolf Storm Water Ponds (SWP) and Les Walker Pond.

Residents are asked to obey posted signs around these water bodies.

Ice thickness will be measured by Parks Services staff on a weekly basis until sufficient ice thickness has been reached for the designated ponds to be opened for use. The ice must reach a minimum thickness of 20cm (eight inches) before people will be allowed access.

The city is reminding residents that vehicles are not permitted on ice. Small, push-model snow blowers are allowed.

For more information on recreational use of approved storm water ponds, please refer to the Recreational Use of Storm Water Ponds Policy or call 403-782-1267.

The Storm Water Pond Policy is limited to Cranna Lake, Royal Oak and Iron Wolf SWP, and excludes Len Thompson, Bruns Pond, Wolf Creek Industrial SWP, Mackenzie Ranch SWP, Henners Storm Cell and the Airport SWP. Other bodies of water most commonly located on golf courses are not considered part of this program.

Further bulletins will be issued once the ponds have been determined safe for public use.

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