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Letter: Time to speak out about Russia

I am going to comment on Russia and the poisonings.

I am going to comment on Russia and the poisonings.

In my opinion Russia (Putin) is running rampant over the free world and feels that he can do as he wishes. Look at Syria, Georgia and the Ukraine and other areas for examples, along with his drugging the Russian athletes with his win at all costs attitude. He threatens us with new nuclear weapons, which we don’t know if he has them or not but using Trump’s play book it has to leave us with some serious questions. Does he or doesn’t he?

I feel that it’s time for all of the free world to support the UK verbally and with some action and expel a good portion or Russian diplomats to send Putin a strong message that the free world will not bow down to him and that we are together and to also sanction the country until they (Putin) listen.

Are we going to keep moving the red line in the sand backwards or forward? The world has a dangerous situation on their hands because of this man and the nuclear button.

Tom Skoreyko, Red Deer