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How do you know if you are well?

With the word wellness is being in so many different medians these days, it is sometimes confusing as to what it actually means to be well. Is wellness being free from disease? Happy? Successful?

With the word wellness is being in so many different medians these days, it is sometimes confusing as to what it actually means to be well. Is wellness being free from disease? Happy? Successful?

Wellness is all of the above. The absence of disease is certainly the most recognized definition, but we all know that just avoiding illness is not enough to ‘be well’. Rolled into that wellness package is being happy with ourselves, our work , and having supportive family and friends.

Then there is the question, “How do you know if you are really well?” Is it just being symptom and disease free? Are there not many of us that fall into this category and then get diagnosed with cancer?

Being really well is based on four key ares:

• Diet: Are you eating the recommended 4-8 servings of fruits and vegetables, grains and absorbable protein everyday? Does your diet consist of lots of raw and fresh food? Are you drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water each day and getting a minimum of 7 hours sleep?

• Exercise: It is very easy to get out for a minimum 30 minutes of exercise per day. Take the dog for a brisk walk, walk to get your groceries, or go for a bike ride with your kids. There can’t be any excuses about why you can’t exercise, everyone has the same amount of time per day and it is easy to fit in 30 minutes. Give up a TV show, get up earlier… there is always a way to make it work.

• Positive Self Talk: If we are not saying nice things to ourselves throughout the day, how can we be positive about anything? Watch your thoughts because they become your words and your actions. Take some time to discover your passion, your mission and write it down. Set some goals to reach your dreams. Everyone needs a purpose, a reason for doing something, or every sacrifice is too high to pay.

• Supplementing Your Diet: If you believe you can get all your nutrients from our local grocery stores filled with chemical laden produce, high carbohydrate snacks and hormone filled meat, you may want to think again!

Of course we need to eat, but look at some alternate organic choices & supplement your diet to fill in the gaps. A multi-vitamin, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Soy Protein, Fish Oils and Acidophilus all offer a good balance to your diet. Vitamins offer health insurance.

So, being well, really is about the small daily choices each of us make.

The choice to eat fast food versus nutritious food. The choice to exercise for 30 minutes versus avoiding making time for stress reduction and time for you. The choice to take a few minutes to visualize your dreams and talk positively to yourself and those around you and therefore seeing the good in everything. The choice to add some good quality supplements for added health insurance and strong immunity to infections and disease.

Make positive choices for you today — you are worth it!

To hear Judy on an interview about her wellness book on live blog radio, go to the site: