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Maintaining motivation levels

Once you’ve dived into your new workout program and diet, the one thing that you must be on the lookout for is dropping motivation levels.

Once you’ve dived into your new workout program and diet, the one thing that you must be on the lookout for is dropping motivation levels.

Maintaining constantly high motivation is something that would be next to impossible for anyone to achieve, but if you manage to catch slipping motivation early, you can definitely work to get yourself back on track so you can continue with the program and see the results you’re after.

Unfortunately though most people don’t have a plan in place for when their motivational levels do start to slide and because of this, fall off the program almost immediately.

Let’s take a look at a few factors that you should remember that will help you keep your motivation sky-high all the time.

Create A Goal-Reward Journal

The very first thing that you should always have even before you get started with your new program is a goal-reward journal.

What you’re going to do here is write down all the goals you have set for yourself along with the rewards that you will give after each goal is obtained.

Remember that it’s important to not only set one long-term goal that you will work towards over the coming month or year but mini goals that will be stepping stones along the way.

By having these mini-goals in there you’re less likely to become frustrated when it seems like that “light at the end of the tunnel” is so far away. Instead, you can focus on each mini goal and just keep striving to reach that.

Get A Workout Buddy

Second, another technique that works well for many people to keep their motivational levels up there is to get a workout buddy.

When you’re working out in the company of someone else the time goes by faster and you tend to enjoy the session a lot more.

Plus, if you both schedule a “workout date”, you’ll have that commitment to the other person meaning you’ll be far less likely to skip out on it.

Clip Some Pictures

Third, another simple strategy that can be incredibly effective for those of you who are visually motivated out there is to find a few pictures of someone who has a body type that you wish to resemble.

When doing this though do make sure that the photos are something that is realistic to obtain.

Keep in mind that many of the magazine pictures that you see on a daily basis have been photographically altered and don’t really represent what the person actually looks like.

Keep your goal image realistic as this will really help you stay confident that you can in fact reach your goal.

Think About The “If I Couldn’t” Scenario

Finally, the last quick tip that tends to work incredibly well is to think about the opposite scenario — if you couldn’t workout.

So many of us find we are too tired to workout or just don’t feel like it but consider the feeling you’d have if you physically couldn’t.

When you think about it like that more often than not it’s enough to make you realize how much you value at least having the ability to workout and get into that gym for your session.

We often don’t realize what we have until it’s gone so imagining this scenario may just change your frame of mind.

Keep these simple yet highly effective motivational tips in mind next time you find yourself facing a slump and wanting to forgo yet another workout session.

Cabel McElderry is a local personal trainer and nutrition coach. For more information on fitness and nutrition, visit the Fitness F/X website at