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Why not adopt a healthy lifestyle plan?

It is the time of year where we tend to have great intentions of making changes to our health, lifestyle and money management.

It is the time of year where we tend to have great intentions of making changes to our health, lifestyle and money management.

To set yourself up for success, consider writing down goals from each area you’d like to change: finance, personal (including hobbies and travel), health, career, family, spiritual.

Think about having balance in all areas, so you are not overfocused in one area, i.e. career, as then your family or health may suffer.

Once you have written goals, you have a starting point to set up a plan to achieve them.

Get a white poster board and leaf through magazines and old calendars for pictures and words that resonate with you and what you’re striving for.

Your next step is to create a “Vision Board.”

The mind thinks in pictures, so the more visual and colorful you can make your board the more likely it will work subliminally on your subconscious mind. Every time you look at your board, it should stir up visualizations of what you want to accomplish and do.

Getting out of your conscious mind is the goal. Our conscious mind will always tell us it won’t work or can’t happen, whereas there is no limits on our sub-conscious mind, so feed it with your dreams.

You can make sections on your Vision Board for each goal area in order for your eyes to separate easier.

Example: your personal area may have pictures of vacations you want to go on, and finance may have pictures/words of money, success and opportunity.

Once your Vision Board is completed, be sure to put it somewhere that you’ll see it often throughout the day. Mini ones work well for a fridge or bathroom mirror.

Now that you have a colourful picture of what you’d like, it becomes easier to visualize, affirm it and therefore make it happen.

If one of your goals is to have a healthier lifestyle this year, then taking a look at creating balance in your life is a great place to start.

By making mental and physical health a top priority, you are assuring that you will have the good health to enjoy those dreams when they do come true.

Focus on preventative health care to keep the body well and prevent disease.

Eat well, drink seven or eight glasses of purified water daily, exercise every day, take time for “you,” get adequate rest, and supplement your diet with organic vitamins/herbs that are clinically proven to boost your immune system and build healthy cells.

If done daily it will become habit and then soon a part of your lifestyle.

Having a healthy lifestyle offers longevity with the ability to enjoy life. Make some sacrifices today for better health tomorrow.

Lacombe freelance columnist Judy Holt is a wellness consultant and author of 1 Potato, 2 Potato, Couch Potato to You.