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Why not replace fear with abundance?

With so much of the media attention based on “fear” of getting sick, perhaps we should switch that focus to our own mindset.

With so much of the media attention based on “fear” of getting sick, perhaps we should switch that focus to our own mindset.

Is the fear inside us really caused by an internal chaos that comes out externally in the form of paranoia?

Let’s take a look at this internal chaos.

Does it come from a scarcity mindset which leads to worry about money or lack of, obsessive worry over children, spouse or job?

Take a few quiet moments to think about this small word with such huge implications: Fear.

Eleanor Roosevelt said it best: “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.

You must do the things which you think you cannot do.”

We have all encountered times in our life of great adversity in which we were paralyzed with fear, but managed to do the thing we feared the most, and worked through what we thought to be an insurmountable challenge.

It’s amazing what we can achieve when we have the right mindset.

If you changed your thinking to one of abundance in lieu of scarcity, imagine what you could attract!

Think about attracting abundance in all areas of your life and repeat the following phrases out loud to yourself many times throughout the day.

“I enjoy an abundance of great health.” “I have an abundance of money enabling me to do the things I love and do great things for others.” “I enjoy an abundance of love and joy in my life.” “I attract an abundance of all things good and wonderful.” Did you receive a more positive feeling just by reading these statements?

Consider your mind and body connection and that if your mind is frozen with fear, how much it will impact your body’s health and your ability to attract anything positive to you.

Life is much more enjoyable focusing on abundance, giving you strength, a positive mindset and a clear picture of where you’re going.

Add some goals so you have a roadmap or reason to do what you’re doing, and you will have such a stronger chance of achieving what you want.

Imagine what endless possibilities exist without over-reactionary and debilitating ‘fear’ in your life!

Some fear is normal, but let’s rationalize the level and move through it to reach our abundant attitude of prosperity and joy in all that we do.

• Upcoming Event, Nov. 24th 7:15 p.m. Red Deer Chamber of Commerce, for further info:

Lacombe freelance columnist Judy Holt is a wellness consultant and author of 1 Potato, 2 Potato, Couch Potato to You.