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Desperately needing Friendly Giant

At our house the month of May is full of bees but not the stinging kind.

It’s time to lay down tough laws governing ATV use

Many of us have spent too much time over the winter pondering what it is that impels many outdoors people into the high back country in one of the more hazardous avalanche seasons we have ever experienced, even as the list of deaths by suffocation grew weekly.

Coping with cold weather when ready to plant

Every year Mother Nature drops snow when it is least expected, late spring or early in fall. The reaction is always the same — surprise and disgust.

Woman questions relationship

I am a confused and stressed-out 28-year-old pregnant woman. I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year.

Desperately wanting to help neighbours

live in a close-knit neighbourhood of eight young couples. Naturally, there is some gossip, so we feel personally involved in situations that may not be our business.

Advertising is an investment, not an expense

As a business owner, have you ever said, “Advertising just doesn’t work”?

Religious fanatics on the lunatic fringe

Dear Margo: Our daughter started college a year ago, and we’ve noticed during her visits home that she’s not the sweet, innocent girl we sent away for higher learning.

Scientists scour the globe for viruses

My next book, due out this summer from Enslow Publishers is entitled Disease-Hunting Scientist: Careers Hunting Deadly Diseases.

Mothers are only human

Dear Annie: I am in my early 20s and attending college. I recently found out that my mother had been having an off-and-on affair with a married man for years.

Cap and trade won’t work

When laws are passed in the United States they are usually subject to so many compromises that it is not uncommon for the original intention of the legislation to be lost.