The city’s first boardroom specially equipped for those with hearing aids has been opened.
Red Deer and District Chamber of Commerce and Hearing Loops Canada worked together on the pilot project to install the company’s “sound boosting” system.
Hearing Loops president Duane Melchert said hearing aids work well when the speaker and wearer are close.
“When t comes to boardroom and public areas, though, there are simply too many background noises that get in the way,” he says.
The system installed in the chamber’s JA boardroom eliminates the “clutter,” he says.
Hearing Loops produces a wireless sound protection system. Sounds from the boardroom microphone will be sent to a telecoil in the hearing aid without ambient noise.
The company says the same technology can be used at pharmacy counters, churches or large venues such as sports stadiums.
“This is a tremendous opportunity to fill a void for an under-serviced population as well as an added benefit for our members,” said chamber interim CEO Rick More.
The JA boardroom is available for rent to chamber members.