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Bush was a wonderful wartime president

Two of the three columns on the page were exposing shoddiness in the Nobel Peace Prize committee and the United Nations Climate Change panel.

Re. the Advocate’s Oct. 23 A4 Comment page:

Two of the three columns on the page were exposing shoddiness in the Nobel Peace Prize committee and the United Nations Climate Change panel.

Both needed to be exposed. The third column was a waste of ink.

Vesna Higham explained the “slight tarnishing “of the Nobel Peace Prize award. As she explained, it was awarded to President Barack Obama mostly for his oratory prowess and star power, not for any solid achievements in peace-making.

Bill Greenwood’s opinion column was well researched, and as always, he showed his expertise in cutting through media haze and hype, and exposing the misinformation behind it.

In this case, it is the man-made global warming movement, which he explains as “a massive socialist scheme bred and born within the corrupt halls of the UN.”

Socialists worldwide live in an ideological straitjacket and are pure poison in a leadership roll.

As Greenwood stated, “socialists have a deep-seated hatred toward democracy, capitalism, and industry,” (and I might add also God and truth).

Unfortunately, socialists throughout modern history have been very successful in infiltrating themselves into positions of great influence in our universities, colleges, scientific community, news media, entertainment industry, and even institutions such as the United Nations. Socialists hire socialists. My compliments to Greenwood for his exposé.

Then there is a third article on the Comment page written by Advocate editorial writer Lee Giles, in which he rehashes the Bush-bashing news stories of past years. Why he decided to revive the Bush-bashing crap is a mystery to me, but I give him credit for at least allowing that “some” of the accusations commonly made against Bush are unfair.

Indeed, all are false and were likely born in the minds of socialists and left-leaning liberals, who do not understand wartime politics, and are hobbled by their narrow Marxist ideology.

George W. Bush was the first president in history to command a war on terrorism. It was all new experience and a thankless task. He wanted to protect all Americans from another terrorist attack, whatever it took. And he was wildly successful.

No citizen in the United States lost his life due to terrorist attack during Bush’s watch.

Hopefully, historians will accord him the honour he deserves: a great wartime president!

Jim Swan

Red Deer

Editor’s note: Bush was mentioned in the editorial, and in many Canadian news stories, because he recently spoke in Edmonton, Saskatoon and Montreal — where protesters turned out in droves to object to his visit.