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Cat thrown from car

If one of your readers can answer the following two questions, she may be able to make a life changing decision.

If one of your readers can answer the following two questions, she may be able to make a life changing decision.

First: Did your black and grey tabby striped cat go missing this last Sunday?

Secondly, does your BFF drive or have access to a teal-colored Pontiac Grand Am four-door?

Then, you must know that the low-life you have been shacked up with tossed your cat out the window of a moving vehicle going 65 km/h down a highway.

My wife and I watched in disbelief at what at first appeared to be a cat bouncing off of the side of a car coming down the highway towards us. A later check showed only one set of paw prints coming from the highway and leading into the bush. Therefore, the cat had to have been pitched out the window of the car.

We were so stunned to see this that we did not get a licence number, nor could we pursue this vehicle because of the line of vehicles following this car.

You may be able to find your cat near the Delburne Road, two to three km east of 30th Street. That is, provided it hasn’t already frozen to death or fallen prey to our neighborhood fox.

If you see yourself here, you would also do well to rid yourself of the sick bastard who will no doubt treat you in a similarly cruel manner.

Jeff Hanson

Red Deer