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I’m one happy lottery winner

If I am understanding Julian Hudson’s letter (Cultural success is not a lottery) correctly, the reason the aboriginal population was displaced from the majority of their lands was because we made better use of it through our superior intellect. Perhaps they were comfortable with the fact that they had managed to coexist with their world as it was and not procreate themselves into a world of large cities, polluted waters, strip mines, smog and pavement.

If I am understanding Julian Hudson’s letter (Cultural success is not a lottery) correctly, the reason the aboriginal population was displaced from the majority of their lands was because we made better use of it through our superior intellect.

Perhaps they were comfortable with the fact that they had managed to coexist with their world as it was and not procreate themselves into a world of large cities, polluted waters, strip mines, smog and pavement.

Tough to say who was right, I guess time will tell.

If you truly feel that natives get the same opportunities as the rest of us do, let me ask, do you wake up every morning wishing you had been born native?

I’m guessing not.

Me, I’m just happy I won the lottery.

Maurice Chalmers

Red Deer