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Just wait, I might not vote Tory next time!

Concerns of an Alberta citizen:Richest province in Canada? Years of excess surpluses, the economy turns bad and within a very short time record deficit; where did all the surpluses go?

Concerns of an Alberta citizen:

Richest province in Canada? Years of excess surpluses, the economy turns bad and within a very short time record deficit; where did all the surpluses go?

Twenty-five million dollars to change the provincial advertising campaign, yet no money to build required senior citizens assisted living facilities, thereby greatly increasing the potential of couples who have been married 40, 50 or more years having to spend their few remaining years separated.

Large increases in sin taxes at a time the economy is already faltering, thereby increasing the risk of failure of small businesses in these marketplaces.

Delete Alberta Health Care premiums, then turn around and institute large deductibles for seniors who require prescription drugs.

I would have assumed that our Alberta Blue Cross benefits were under a group plan, which we no longer will qualify for, thereby increasing the premiums we will have to pay — providing we have no pre-existing health problems that will in all probability rule us not eligible for private health insurance at any premium rate. We do not know how much these deductibles will even be, other than detrimental to our standard of living.

Is there a possibility that the reason the last provincial election had a record low turnout is due to the disgust of the citizens, having given up hope of ever having a quality of government that will place the welfare of them above big business that supplies the campaign funds for the politicians?

It may be seen as the only time our government spends any legitimate amounts of money for the citizen’s benefit is the last six months of their term. That smacks of buying the people’s vote.

Our premier is on television explaining that the reason our school taxes have increased is that it is based on the assessed value of our property; as our assessed value went down this year, as I am sure most properties did, at this point I turned the news off in disgust.

Hire how many sheriffs with all the required expensive equipment to lurk in packs of two or three nabbing dangerous speeders while at the same time nothing is being done to alleviate actual crime such as murders, break and enter as well as other real crimes that seem be increasing at an alarming rate, placing all of us citizens at risk of being shot by a stray bullet or possibly stabbed if we are unfortunate enough to enter our home while a burglary is being committed?

I would much rather risk my life to the dangerous speeders than the real criminals who are seemingly ignored.

This to me smacks as another form of hidden taxation at the same time, in my opinion, we are already overtaxed for the little benefit we do receive.

As for the raises you gave yourself last year, I do agree that quality people certainly deserve quality remuneration. But am left wondering as to the quality of our elected officials.

As a word of caution, I can only advise that if this treatment of Alberta citizens continues, I personally know of a number of the few people who did actually vote in the last election (for the Tories) who will be casting their votes elsewhere next time around.

Fred Harvey

Red Deer