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Tips for the hurried cook

Here are some things you can do to improve your preparation times that will save minutes; which add up to hours!

Here are some things you can do to improve your preparation times that will save minutes; which add up to hours!

• Keep the utensils near your work surface; the pots and pans near the stove, and cleaning materials near the sink.

• Read through the recipe carefully before you begin. Make sure you understand the terminology and steps, and be sure you have all the ingredients on hand.

• Look for pockets of time in each recipe. While the water is boiling to cook pasta, prepare vegetables. When the oven is preheating, thaw meat in the microwave and rub it with spices.

• Keep the kitchen sink full of soapy water; as you work, toss used utensils, spoons, and whisks into the sink for easy cleanup.

• Work steadily, but don’t force yourself. If you aren’t an expert at chopping, go slow. Better this than cutting yourself.
