One-day art instruction sessions on developing techniques with pen and ink, watercolour and pastel are being offered through The Gallery on Main in Lacombe this fall.
Classes begin on Saturday, when Doug Strickland will teach how to create shading and perspective with pen and ink.
Other classes available are: Acrylic flowers with Dee Poisson on Oct. 15; Watercolour with Marianne Vanderkley on Oct. 29; Watercolour plus pastel with Strickland on Nov. 5; Coloured pencils with Poisson on Nov. 19; Watercolour with Vanderkley on Dec. 3; And watercolour and pen and ink with Strickland on Dec. 10.
The cost of each 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. session is $75 and includes lunch and supplies. To register, call 403-782-3402.
The Gallery will also hold the Mosaic Annual Fall Show and Sale on Oct. 21 and 22, featuring paintings, sculptures and stained-glass works by more than 80 Alberta artists, as well as daily demonstrations from 1 to 4 p.m.
Call the gallery for more information, or visit
— copyright Red Deer Advocate