Wellness Through Art consists of works of a variety of media by a group of artists connected through the Ministry of Seniors and Community Supports and may be viewed at The Hub during the month of Sept.
Shift by Jeri-Lynn Ing will be shown at Gallery IS until Sept. 30 and features abstract paintings inspired by music played during the CBC 2 broadcast Shift by Tom Allen. Phone 403-341-4641, or contact galleryis.arts@yahoo.ca.
Out of the Hole: Works by Robin Byrnes, will be on display in the Kiwanis Gallery of the Red Deer Public Library from until Oct. 16.
Soul Sisters: A Journey to the Hearth is a joint installation by Grande Prairie’s artist Sabine Schneider and Red Deer’s Glynis Wilson Boultbee and documents their friendship. This exhibit runs at the Harris-Warke Gallery until Sept. 10.
James Bower and the United Farmers of Alberta exhibit will be on display at the Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery until Oct. 9. This exhibit highlights the legacy of Bower in the city and as the founding president of the UFA. Call the gallery at 403-309-8405 for more information.
102 years of Enriching Rural Life, traces the history of the United Farmers of Alberta and how the UFA changed rural Alberta. This display is on at the Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery until Oct. 9.
Works by Janet Nash are on display at the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame and Museum Art Gallery. Jane works in pen and ink as well as graphite, charcoal and scratch board to create her hockey themed images. The exhibit runs until the end of September.
From Our Collection, an exhibit at the Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery, showcases objects and artifacts from Central Alberta’s history. Items will rotate throughout the year highlighting themes such as military, fossils, archeology and clothing and textiles, all celebrating our community’s history. Call the museum at 403-309-8405 or log on to www.reddeermuseum.com
The Farm Show: Seeding, Growing, Harvest, is a three part visual art exploration of contemporary farming issues and the drastic changes in agriculture practices over the past 50 years. This exhibit may be viewed at the Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery until Dec. 11. Call 403-309-8405 for more information or visit www.reddeermuseum.com
Farming Out Our Future, at the Red Deer Museum and Art Gallery explores farmers and ranchers who are fast becoming an endangered species. The question of who will own the countryside, live in, care for it or produce food from it is far from settled. explores some of the changes that have had an impact on rural life in Alberta from 1950 to the present. The exhibit runs until Nov. 13. Call the gallery at 403-309-8405 or visit www.reddeermuseum.com
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