Red Deer’s Tree House Youth Theatre is offering plenty of dramatic and comedic options for young thespians-in-training.
Four theatre classes are being held at the Scott Block in downtown Red Deer this fall for different age groups:
• Creative Drama, Telling Tales will be held for six to seven year olds on Saturdays, Sept. 10-Dec. 10, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. The classes will include games and activities. Students will learn to express themselves through basic theatre skills while preparing for their stage debut. They will join the main ensemble of the youth theatre group’s Christmas production of For the Love of Three Oranges. The cost is $150 (including the costume fee).
• Young Actors Studio, Fundamentals of Acting, will be held for eight and nine year olds, who will learn to make strong characters through improvisations and short scenes in classes that run Saturdays, Sept. 10 to Dec. 10, from 11:15 to 12:45 p.m. They will learn teamwork with objectives as they also prepare to be in the Christmas production. The cost is $150 (including the costume fee).
• Young Actors, Main Stage is a performance-oriented class for 10 to 11 year olds that runs Saturdays, Sept. 10 to Dec. 10, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. The young actors will work towards “treading the boards” in the Christmas production. The cost is $200 (including the costume fee).
• The 12 to 17-year-old members of the Tree House Improv Team will learn how to react in the moment, which is the heart of improvisation. After getting a chance to discover and develop their own improv style in classes that run Wednesdays, Oct. 5-Dec. 10, 6:30 to 9 p.m., the young actors will make a guest appearance in the Christmas show. The cost is $150 (including costume fee).
Registrations can be done at the City of Red Deer, by emailing, or by phoning Janet Cole at 403-986-0631.