Safety lighting for Montfort Heights trail will be discussed by city council on Jan 27.
The issue, introduced as a notice of motion by Coun. Dianne Wyntjes at Monday's regular council meeting, recommends that city administration once again meet with concerned Highland Green residents, and that lighting be included in the 2026 capital budget and the project completed no later than the end of June 2026.
Similar lighting has been installed in some Red Deer neighbourhoods and along trails.
Administration reported that residents first contacted the city in 2016 with concerns, which have continued. City staff and enforcement have cleaned out bush in the area many times, including the east and west stairs.
Installing lights and making the park area more visible may deter encampments and cost less than addressing debris in the area, says administration.
With break-ins impacting garages, vehicles, recreation vehicles, as well as brush fires, residents believe trail lighting would increase security, deter trespassing from the trail area, and increase safety of residents who use the trail and wooden stairs.