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Feeder Associations of Alberta to meet in Red Deer

Annual meeting being held Jan. 30 to Feb. 1
Feeder Associations of Alberta (FAA) will host its annual conference at the Red Deer Resort and Casino from Jan. 30 to Feb. 1. (Advocate file photo)

Alberta's 45 local feeder associations will gather in Red Deer to talk business next week.

Feeder Associations of Alberta (FAA) will host its annual conference at the Red Deer Resort and Casino from Jan. 30 to Feb. 1.

Representatives from the province's five zones will attend sessions, as well as industry partners, including Alberta Beef Producers, Alberta Cattle Feeders Association, Western Stockgrowers Association and Livestock Identification Services. Agriculture and Irrigation Minister RJ Sigurdson will address the Red Deer conference.

2024 was one of the largest years on record, with FAA loans accounting for 20 per cent of the ag lending market in Alberta, according to the association.

“We work with government agencies, financial partners, and Local Feeder Associations (LFA) to implement our suite of programs designed to support grain farmers and feeder and breeder operations,” said FAA Chair George L’Heureux, who also represents Zone Four.

“Our Associations have unique knowledge of the challenges in raising livestock, and also understand local communities. This is one of the core strengths of the program as it brings people in that otherwise might not have access to credit at these terms,” adds Guthrie.

Programs offered by FAA have expanded and one of the objectives of the annual meeting is to raise awareness of some of the newest features to the FAA suite of products under the Alberta Breeder Finance Inc and the Western Cash Advance Program offerings.

Keynote speaker Matt Makens, of Makens Weather in Colorado, will provide a weather outlook, as well as discussion of long-term climate trends. Livestock traceability is another topic being covered in the two-day agenda, which has the theme of "50 Years — Building on History Towards Excellence." 

Another highlight of the annual conference is always the STARS Fundraiser, which set a new record in 2024 of raising over $70,000 for the important service.

For more information on the Feeder Association of Alberta, call 587-635-5669 or check the website:

Sean McIntosh

About the Author: Sean McIntosh

Sean joined the Red Deer Advocate team in the summer of 2017. Originally from Ontario, he worked in a small town of 2,000 in Saskatchewan for seven months before coming to Central Alberta.
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