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Kerry Wood Nature Centre acquires new telescope

Star gazing in Red Deer
Alice Koning, lead astronomical interpreter at Kerry Wood Nature Centre, looking through the centre’s new 30-centimetre reflecting telescope. (Photo from Facebook)

Kerry Wood Nature Centre’s new 30-centimetre reflecting telescope has given Red Deerians something to brag about while they admire stars and planets.

“We couldn’t find anything of this size in Central Alberta that is publicly available,” said Alice Koning, the centre’s lead astronomical interpreter, on Wednesday.

Koning said a cash donation allowed the centre to purchase the telescope before Christmas that cost about $2,000 for the telescope, stand and accessories.

She said the telescope’s mirror is 30.48 centimetres (12 inches) in diameter so it’s a lot bigger than telescopes people may have at home.

Previously the centre used binoculars and small telescopes donated to the centre for its programs.

“It’s been on my wish list for a while. We’re having fun with it.”

She said so far the telescope has been used monthly by the Family Astronomy Club at the sanctuary where there are no street lights. The club has been gaining gaining momentum and the telescope will allow the centre to build on its programming.

“It will definitely be a main focus for our Perseids Meteor Shower Party which is Saturday August 11 and potentially some other planet observation sessions throughout the summer. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will all be nice and easy to find at some point through out the summer.”

The meteor shower party will be held at Fort Normandeau. Planet viewing events have yet to be scheduled.

Koning said the telescope has a solar filter which makes it safe to look at the sun so four school programs have been created. Grade 4 and 8 students will learn about how the telescope works, and Grades 6 and 9 will learn about astronomy as part of their science classes.

“It’s way better than learning about it in a classroom.”

She said the telescope is heavy, but collapses into a portable size making it possible to be available for community or private events accompanied by Kerry Wood staff.

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Susan Zielinski

About the Author: Susan Zielinski

Susan has been with the Red Deer Advocate since 2001. Her reporting has focused on education, social and health issues.
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