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Red Deer Legion planning more entertainment, special events, to boost memberships

While the Red Deer legion has many long-term members, plans are underway to boost membership
Red Deer legion president Art Burgess (left) and service officer Jim Bourgoin would love to see the membership climb. (Photo by LANA MICHELIN/Advocate staff).

The new president of the Red Deer Legion has been a member for 44 years. 

That kind of loyalty isn't unusual for the non-profit group that serves and advocates for retired Canadian war veterans and their families, and also welcomes all community members to its restaurant and social functions.

Art Burgess, the new president of Red Deer's Royal Canadian Legion No. 35, is a former "army brat" who's lived at different bases while his father served with the Canadian Forces. Burgess admitted he's always associated legions with home and family.

But memberships have been shrinking across the country due to demographics —  especially in Western Canada.

Burgess said the Red Deer Legion's membership is now 1,200, compared to 4,000 about 20 years ago, so he's interested in seeing it grow.

An events planning committee was recently struck to organize more entertainment, comedy, theme dinners and other special activities to attract more adults and families to legion functions.

"Society has changed," admitted Burgess, with more people staying home rather than socializing. Unsurprisingly, loneliness has become an acknowledged problem, especially among older adults. He believes legions are a perfect way to meet others, whether you're new in town or need more social connections. "It's a safe environment" in which you can gain a sense of community — and even give something back.

And Burgess noted the legion can always use more volunteers. Although he recently assumed the volunteer president's position after Bev Hanes stepped down, "I don't wear a crown," he  joked. "You will see me busing, or waiting on tables just like everybody else... whatever it takes..."

The new special events committee at the Red Deer Legion is booking various acts, including country artist Cole Martin, who will perform on Friday, Aug. 16, an Elvis impersonator (Sept. 7), and local Improvisation team Improv Jelly (Aug. 31). Wednesday night dances will feature music by local musician Dean Ray and the Plaiders.

Burgess said the Legion's Facebook page will list more upcoming entertainment. 

As well, new menu planning is underway at the legion's restaurant to tie food options to special events and theme days. Burgess noted there will be steak sandwiches available during the Martin's country concert, for example. A calendar on the the Facebook page itemizes some food specials, as well as times for bridge, crib, poker and euchre afternoon events. Burgess said many of these card games have been very popular.

This fall, legion officials plan to reach out to some Red Deer schools to engage artistic youths in creating a mural for a large blank wall. Burgess would also like to expand jam session opportunities for youth bands on the legion's stage.

While a main purposes of the non-profit continues to be helping veterans get their full benefits and connect with other groups for housing, health care etc., the legion "is about everyone who is here," said Burgess.

"We have a strong executive and strong support from members and volunteers."

He hopes more Red Deer-area residents will stop in and see what it's all about.