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Alberta Health Services seeks community input

Planning for the future

Alberta Health Services has partnered with Alberta Health to find out how Central Albertans want health care to be delivered in 2031 and beyond when older demographics and chronic health conditions are projected to increase.

“It’s important that we work together because the health care model of the future involves more community-based services and shared opportunities between AHS and community partners,” said Kerry Bales, chief zone officer with AHS Central Zone.

A public blog at — — invites Central Albertans to share their perspectives and participate in conversations about how health care could be structured in 15 years.

The blog builds upon meetings with community members that took place across the zone in late November and early December. People were asked to examine ways to co-design and co-deliver a sustainable, quality health system that promotes healthy communities and provides appropriate access to services, programs and facilities across Alberta.

Opportunities for community input will continue throughout the year-long planning process. A high-level health system strategy proposal will be further developed in 2017.

AHS is focusing long-range planning efforts in Central and Calgary Zones. Similar planning in Edmonton Zone is ongoing. Long-range planning for North and South Zones will follow.

For more information on how to get involved contact