Alberta partners with Women and Gender Equality Canada
The Government of Alberta is partnering with Women and Gender Equality Canada to provide crisis support to those experiencing gender-based violence.
In a press release issued Friday, the government announced $3 million is being directed to 211 to ensure that the crisis supports Albertans need are there when they need them.
“When a person is in crisis, finding help should not be difficult, confusing or time consuming,” said Tanya Fir, parliamentary secretary for status of women.
“If you find yourself in a situation where you need help, this 24/7 service through 211 will help to ensure that you get the help and resources you deserve. I’m proud that we are taking strides in supporting survivors of gender-based violence.”
This new funding aims to help improve service co-ordination with the wrap-around supports that gender-based violence survivors need, such as counselling, health care and legal services.
Sexual violence is the most under-reported crime in Canada. It is estimated that 94 per cent of sexual violence survivors do not report their assaults to police.
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