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Big guns in Alberta Tory cabinet attack Wildrose ’disastrous’ fiscal plan

A half dozen senior Alberta Tory cabinet ministers say the Wildrose party’s fiscal plan would leave a funding gap of $29 billion.

CALGARY — A half dozen senior Alberta Tory cabinet ministers say the Wildrose party’s fiscal plan would leave a funding gap of $29 billion.

Finance Minister Robin Campbell was joined by five other members of the budget committee in Calgary to release what he called a detailed analysis of the Wildrose plan.

He said the numbers don’t add up and would leave a huge hole in the Alberta economy.

The Progressive Conservatives have been challenging the Wildrose to provide more details about a promise to cut spending, balance the budget and lay off senior government managers.

Campbell says the Wildrose would actually have to generate a mountain of new debt, increase taxes or hope oil prices rebounded to at least $80 a barrel overnight.

Wildrose Leader Brian Jean says the numbers are clear, the plan is sound and he is happy to campaign on it for the May 5 vote.