With Red Deer’s 100th birthday approaching, the centennial committee is looking for well-wishers to submit a video.
The committee behind the Red Deer 2013 centennial celebrations is asking for people, families or groups to record or videotape themselves saying happy birthday.
These recordings and videos will be placed on the Centennial website, www.reddeer2013.ca, and facebook, and could even be played at events.
Videos may also be spliced together with other groups.
Entrants should know that by submitted a recording or a video, they give the Central Alberta Historical Society, acting as the Red Deer 2013 Centennial Committee, the right to use the material on the website and facebook page, as well as other related types of media.
Record a video saying happy birthday to the city, or include a message to the city, then email the video or recording to lianne@reddeer2013.ca.