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City of Red Deer seeks land use feedback

Public survey and workshops planned to get input on Land Use Bylaw update

Red Deer residents have a chance to share their ideas with the city on how to cut development red tape, boost housing options and tweak zoning regulations.

A series of workshops are planned this month to bring together residents, developers, the business sector and community groups to offer input as the city updates its Land Use Bylaw. Feedback can also be provided through the city’s website at

The main intent of the project is to review the fundamentals and regulations of the Land Use Bylaw and to make it more flexible by trimming unnecessary regulations.

The city wants to get input on how to increase housing options for people in all stages of life, such as allowing more suites and duplexes. Residents thoughts on ways to improve housing design standard consistency and equity between neighbourhoods are also welcomed, along with ideas on how to save money by reducing regulations.

On zoning, the city wants to hear whether there are other compatible land uses could be added to residential, commercial and industrial zones.

“We want to know what makes our city and neighbourhoods livable for all stages and ages, and what ideas Red Deerians have to leverage land use planning to position our city even better for tomorrow,” said city planning and growth manager Emily Damberger. “Through this public participation, we are inviting Red Deerians to influence how we, as a city, grow for tomorrow.”

How to participate:

•June 7 — Developer, real estate, and commercial focus workshop at Westerner Park Chalet

Session 1: 3-4:30 p.m.

Session 2: 5:30-7 p.m.

•June 8 — Resident and community groups focus at Westerner Park Chalet

Session 1: 3-4:30 p.m.

Session 2: 5:30-7 p.m.

To register, email and specify the session date and time you will attend, and if you require child care. Each session lasts about 90 minutes.

In put can also be provided online until June 24 through an engagement tool that includes interactive components and a survey. Go

Every municipality in Alberta is required to have a Land Use Bylaw. It establishes rules and regulations for land development as well as the process of making decisions for development permit applications within the City of Red Deer.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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