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Coronation Emergency Department seeing several July closures

Alberta’s provincial health authority announced a number of upcoming closures for the Coronation Hospital Emergency Department in the coming weeks on July 6.
The Coronation Hospital Emergency Department will be seeing several closures in July. (BLACK PRESS file image)

Alberta’s provincial health authority announced a number of upcoming closures for the Coronation Hospital Emergency Department in the coming weeks on July 6.

The first closure is in effect from 8 a.m. July 6 until noon. However, there will be four more closures through the month of July.

Coronation Hospital’s Emergency Department will be closed for 24 hours from 8 a.m. on July 10 to July 11; 8 a.m. July 13 until noon on July 14; 24 hours from July 17 until July 18, and from 8 a.m. July 20 until noon on July 21.

Alberta Health Services (AHS) cites the closures as resulting from “gaps in physician coverage” and being unable to find locum coverage to fill in the gaps.

According to the release, nursing staff will remain on-site to provide initial assessment, treatment and referral to alternative care in surrounding communities. Those already in-patient at the facility will not be affected.

Those needing emergency medical care during the closures are asked to call 911, where ambulances will be re-routed to hospitals in Castor, Hanna, and Stettler depending on the severity of the patient and location in the region.

For non-emergent issues, residents of the area are reminded by AHS that Health Link is available by dialling 811. The service is available 24 hours a day to answer non-emergency, health-related questions.