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Lacombe County launches ice hut registration program

Lacombe County anglers are being reminded to register their ice fishing huts.

Lacombe County anglers are being reminded to register their ice fishing huts.

After a successful first year on Gull Lake, the county is expanding its Take if Off program to Buffalo Lake.

The program has anglers register their huts to ensure each hut is removed at the end of the fishing season.

This helps protect the environment by reducing the likeliness of a hut being left until spring, when it would fall through the ice and pollute the lake. It also ensures the safety of the animals depending on the water source and lake users throughout the year.

Registration, which is completely voluntary and free, also helps identify the owner of the hut if there are any issues.

The program is also used on Sylvan Lake.

“Last year we were pleased to have zero ice huts left on Gull Lake or on Sylvan Lake,” said Jennifer Berry, Lacombe County environmental coordinator. “We are excited to launch this program on Buffalo Lake as well, as another way to protect our water resources.

Once registration is compete, the angler will be mailed an identification card, which must be clearly displayed on the outside of the hut.

To register an ice fishing hut in Lacombe County, visit or call 403-782-8959. To register on Sylvan Lake, visit

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About the Author: Red Deer Advocate Staff

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