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Meet the candidate: Red Deer - Mountain View (Conservative Party of Canada)

Earl Dreeshen , Conservative Party of Canada (incumbent)

Earl Dreeshen, Conservative Party of Canada (incumbent)

Current occupation: Parliamentarian

What are the three most pressing issues facing Central Alberta, and how will you address them?

Over the years I have championed many causes that have been important to Red Deer Mountain View residents. Speaking up for our Agriculture Industry regarding food safety and food security on the world’s stage, shepherding the Marketing Freedom legislation for western Canadian grain farmers, eliminating the Canadian Wheat Board Monopoly, and advocating for tax fairness for farmers and other small business owners are but a few issues that I have advocated for as Committee member of Agriculture, International Trade and Industry Science and Innovation.

My work as the Co-chair of the Alberta Rural Crime Task Force and my Private Members Bill that changed the Criminal Code of Canada which is now a key component of sentencing practices throughout the land is something that truly humbles me. But more needs to be done.

Strong actions on crime that emphasized the protection of innocent victims is one of my major focuses. As has been evident during the pandemic, unreliable internet coverage has truly affected the ability of families and businesses to function properly. My contacts in this field as a proponent for the Industry Committees Study on Rural and Remote broadband are very important. It is also important to invigorate our economy by reducing red tape and eliminating anti business legislation particularly for our Natural Resource Industry.

And finally we must all work together to look after those among us that have suffered so much emotionally over the last twenty months. The last election toppled the Liberal majority government with the Conservatives winning the popular vote. Since then the Trudeau government has been mired in scandal. Their legislative agenda was designed to pit region against region and neighbour against neighbour.

Canada needs a government that is more concerned about substance than style. Canada’s Conservatives are prepared to do just that. Our plan will Secure Jobs, Secure Accountability, Secure Mental Health, Secure our Country, and Secure our Economy! It is time to Secure Canada’s Future.

A few more things …

Where were you born/raised? Where do you live now?

I was born in Red Deer and was raised on our family farm just south of Pine Lake. Judy and I built our home on land I had purchased while going to university. Central Alberta is a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family.

What have you learnt as an elected official?

My great grandfather helped build the one roomed school that my grandfather, father and I attended. My parents Verna and Herman Dreeshen were both strong community advocates. That sense of service was instilled in me as a youngster and has been part of my way of life.

What I have learned from such service is that being there to listen to your friends and neighbours and searching for common sense solutions helps everyone in the community. I also had great political mentors that taught me the importance of being an advocate for your community. Bob Clark, former leader of the opposition and MLA for Olds Didsbury was one such mentor. Our 50 year friendship is something that I will always cherish. With his encouragement I put my name forward to serve first as a youth representative and then as a policy vice president at the provincial level back the early 70s. That relationship gave me the opportunity to work with other political giants like Preston Manning, Bob Mills and Myron Thompson.

I was hooked on politics. Seeing the commitment and integrity that these men had for both this province and this country became the standard that I have strived every day to emulate.

Why do you make a good representative for your constituents in the legislature?

I conduct myself knowing that rude and aggressive behaviour would not have been tolerated in my classroom and it is up to me to show similar decorum in my role as a Parliamentarian. I assume my problem solving skills and my demeanour are the reason our leaders Harper, Ambrose, Scheer and now Erin O’Toole chose me to serve on some of the most important committees such as agriculture, international trade, industry science and innovation, and health and also to represent Canada on the global stage.

Tell us a surprising or interesting fact or story about yourself.

When I was about eight years old my mom’s sister, Aunt Irene, told me that we had this relative that they thought might make it into the NHL as her husband Lee’s cousin boy was playing really well. This started a lifelong fascination with #4, Bobby Orr! The only similarity to my hockey story is the way I tape my stick and the number I wore on my jersey but nevertheless it’s always been a great ice breaker!

Notable past achievements/titles/jobs.

I was chosen as one of twenty teachers from the USA and Canada to pilot the very first ‘Smart Board’. A lot has changed in that technology since then!

My involvement as a coach and volunteer has been most rewarding. It is a recognition of the service of those that built our strong communities which then inspired kids like me to give back. Similarly, there is a sense of pride to see this same mentorship today knowing that it will be the link to future generations that will also share their time, talent and treasure.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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