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MEGlobal employees set new record in annual United Way campaign

Employee contributions, matching funds from MEGlobal go to United Way of Central Alberta
United Way Central Alberta CEO Chelsea O’Donoghue calls the support from MEGlobal outstanding. (Contributed)

The 2022 MEGlobal Employee Charities Campaign has set another record by donating almost $185,000 to the United Way of Central Alberta.

The campaign generated $86,801 in employee contributions, $86,801 in matching funds from MEGlobal, along with an additional $11,065 raised in special company campaign events. The previous record was $161,000.

“We are so incredibly grateful for the support from MEGlobal and their generous, community-minded employees at the Prentiss site. To have a record-high employee workplace campaign in a year where so many are facing challenges is incredible,” said United Way CEO Chelsea O’Donoghue in a statement.

MEGlobal’s 2022 campaign coordinator Kayle Yonkman said it was great to see the Prentiss site come together for the campaign.

“Being able to gather in person for events throughout the campaign brought back a sense of community at Prentiss and the impact was evident when looking at our results,” Yonkman said.

“We are thrilled to donate to an organization that helps so many in need in the central Alberta community. A huge thank you to the MEGlobal campaign participants for a record-breaking year.”

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Susan Zielinski

About the Author: Susan Zielinski

Susan has been with the Red Deer Advocate since 2001. Her reporting has focused on education, social and health issues.
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