Five mysterious orbs in a sunrise photo taken of the skies in Alix may just be worthy of Mulder and Scully.
Margaret Reid, 63, said a pretty sunrise out her front window in mid-February was worthy of a photo so she took one with her cellphone. Then she noticed something else in the sky.
“I didn’t have my glasses on so I really couldn’t tell what they were. I thought it was a meteor. A falling star. I kind of just snapped it quickly,” said the Alix resident.
When she looked at the photo, she also noticed orbs she described as Jelly Beans.
“When I put the camera up to take another picture of them and tried to focus they just disappeared — boom.”
She said it’s quite likely interior lights may have caused a reflection to produce the Jelly Beans, but she’s not sure.
“That could be one of the answers to the mystery.”
There definitely was nothing on her lens based on other photos she took at the time.
At first she did some online research to figure out what she may have seen and found a similar UFO photo that also described the lights as Jelly Beans.
“It stood the hair up on the back of my neck. That’s what made me think, ‘oh my, what did I see?’”
According to online UFO information, sometimes a mother ship drops off smaller ships, which also seemed to fit, she said.
“All kinds of things are going through my head,” she laughed.
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Reid started asking people about what they saw in her photo.
“The more I talked to people and the more I went onto Google, and started comparing the pictures to other UFO pictures, the more curious I became.”
She wondered if it could be something spiritual.
“I’m religious so I don’t want to believe it’s a UFO,” Reid laughed.
On Monday she finally she got up the nerve to post the photo on her Facebook page for more input.
“I was so afraid someone would think I was a quack or something. I didn’t know how to approach this at all. It just seemed so far out there.”
On Thursday she decided to contact the Advocate to spread the word.
“If it is something, it is. And if it isn’t, it isn’t. I’d be nice to get some feedback from somebody that knows something.”
Reid wants to find out if anyone else saw something in the sky that morning. She can’t remember the exact day, but it happened when temperature warmed up in February.
If she had her choice, Reid said she’d really prefer angels to aliens.
“I’m hoping they were angels to give me good luck on my health. That’s my hope.”
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