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Seasonal changes to green cart collection starts next week in Red Deer

Seasonal changes to green cart collection will start this upcoming Monday, the City of Red Deer announced this week.

Seasonal changes to green cart collection will start this upcoming Monday, the City of Red Deer announced this week.

Green carts will be collected every other week, on the same week as blue carts from Nov. 13 to April 1.

“We see a steep decrease in organics collected over the winter months, so switching green cart collection to every other week in the winter helps optimize efficiency of the program while still meeting residents’ needs,” said Marilyn Moore, waste diversion specialist.

“Blue and black cart collection schedules won’t change, but green carts will be collected every other week until April when yard waste increases.”

Updated cart collection calendars are available on the city’s website – residents are encouraged to sign up for cart collection notifications through Notify Red Deer for personalized reminders about which cart to set out each week. Residents can sign up or add these alerts to their existing account at

Residents with questions or concerns are encouraged to reach out by calling the Blue Line at 403-340-2583 or emailing

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About the Author: Red Deer Advocate Staff

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