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Students collect hundreds of socks for Red Deer’s Safe Harbour clients

South Side Christian School aims to turn over 750 pairs on Oct. 27
South Side Christian School students get to tape two adults to the wall if they collect 750 pairs of new socks for Safe Harbour Society clients in Red Deer. From left is Ziva Orillosa (standing by with tape), Kaizen Palpar, Natalia Amaya and Eli Cuervo. (Contributed photo).

Seventy-five Red Deer-area elementary school students have so far collected 540 socks to donate to Red Deer’s Safe Harbour Society.

The kids would love to collect 210 more socks before Oct. 27 so they can meet their goal of rounding up 750 pairs, said head teacher Martha Boehner — who welcomes the public’s help.

Winter is coming and Safe Harbour, a non-profit group that runs Red Deer’s temporary homeless shelter, is asking for donations of new men’s and women’s socks and underwear for its clients — as well as used coats and boots.

Students at South Side Christian School are holding a “SOCK-tober” outreach event.

Boehner said the importance of community service is a key message the school tries to convey. When she heard Safe Harbour clients needed socks, she felt donating warm foot coverings would fit perfectly with this year’s school theme — “to walk worthy.”

“When you think about feet and walking, socks come to mind,” she added.

The private Seventh-day Adventist school only has 75 students and goes up to Grade 9. It’s located just off Gasoline Alley.

To sweeten the pot for the students’ sock drive, a teacher volunteered to be taped to the wall if 500 pairs could be collected. When the kids surpassed that goal, an educational assistant stepped up to say the kids could also tape her to the wall if they gather 750 socks in total — so the bar was raised, said Boehner.

She hopes students hit their goal before a Safe Harbour representative comes to collect all the socks on the afternoon of Thursday, Oct. 27.

Anyone wanting to drop off new socks at the school can do so next Monday to Wednesday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 37370 Range Road 274A, Red Deer County.

Boehner believes the kids have learned a valuable lesson about helping “keep the hearts and feet warm in our community.”

She’s thrilled so many socks have been rounded up. “We are only a 75-student school so wow, so I think that’s amazing. I can’t believe it.”

Kath Hoffman, executive-director of Safe Harbour, is also touched by the student’s efforts. “There are 75 little harbour lights, shining so bright,” she said. “It’s wonderful. We really appreciate it.”

Safe Harbour’s clients always need new socks and underwear for men and women, said Hoffman. Used coats and gloves are also welcomed with colder weather approaching. These items can be donated directly to Safe Harbour.

Surplus items that clients can’t use will be passed on to other non-profits in the city, she added.

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Lana Michelin

About the Author: Lana Michelin

Lana Michelin has been a reporter for the Red Deer Advocate since moving to the city in 1991.
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