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Sylvan outdoor water ban lifted; conservation still required

The outdoor water ban has ended in Sylvan Lake but mandatory water conservation is still in place.

The outdoor water ban has ended in Sylvan Lake but mandatory water conservation is still in place.

On Monday, the town cancelled the ban that was imposed a week ago after hot weather and peak summer usage put a strain of its reservoirs.

Town staffers went knocking door to door last week telling people to stop all outdoor water usage immediately, as there was a concern that the town could need more water than usual should an emergency, such as a fire, occur.

The town, which has a population of about 13,000, draws its water from a well.

With cooler, wet weather, the town’s reservoirs have now been fully restored, the town said.

However, residents must still abide by the water conservation practice. People with an odd number house address can water their lawns on odd-numbered days of the week and even-numbered addresses on even days of the week.

No one is allowed to water their lawns or use excessive amounts of water for unnecessary outdoor activities between noon and 7 p.m. any day of the week.

The town is conducting a study looking at a new well to address the water supply needs in the future.