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Waldo the red fox returned to the wild

Medicine River Wildlife Centre rehabilitates fox
Waldo the red fox was healthy enough to return to the wild after rehabilitation at Medicine River Wildlife Centre. (Photo contributed)

A fox nicknamed Waldo was released back into the wild after successful rehabilitation at Medicine River Wildlife Centre.

The male red fox was unable to use either of its front legs when he was admitted to the centre’s hospital in November. He had been hit by a car near Lethbridge, but an x-ray revealed there were no fractures making him a good candidate for rehabilitation.

During his time at Medicine River, the fox was treated for swelling and infection, and fed a natural diet of small birds and pocket gophers.

He was kept part of the time in an enclosure with plenty of trees and straw to simulate a natural environment. That’s where he earned the nickname Waldo, after the “Where’s Waldo” character because he was so still and hard to see among the bushes.

The landowners where he was had been injured were more than happy to have him returned and a volunteer in Innisfail offered to do the drive.

The volunteer reported he “ran like heck” when he was released and was gone.

Medicine River said a fox will mate for life and have a home territory and den, so releasing him anywhere but his home would not have been the best.

“We’re happy to have returned him back to his home,” said staff.

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About the Author: Red Deer Advocate Staff

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