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Water screen

During the recent heatwave, the downtown Red Deer splashpool at 48th Street and 52nd Avenue has attracted a horde of visitors looking to chill out. The pool is surrounded by about six single stream fountains, which turn into a fine mist if stepped upon. Aided by the backlight of early evening sun, Rayden Shopa is making it look like he has watery screen in front of him every time he steps on the stream of water.
Water Screen 270709jer

During the recent heatwave, the downtown Red Deer splashpool at 48th Street and 52nd Avenue has attracted a horde of visitors looking to chill out. The pool is surrounded by about six single stream fountains, which turn into a fine mist if stepped upon. Aided by the backlight of early evening sun, Rayden Shopa is making it look like he has watery screen in front of him every time he steps on the stream of water.