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Switchboard - March 26

The March Central Alberta Singles dance for members and guests will be held at Penhold Hall on Saturday, March 27, 8:30 p.m.
Sentencing begins for man who kidnapped and assaulted Penhold teen

Sentencing begins for man who kidnapped and assaulted Penhold teen

Sentencing began Thursday for an Alberta man who dressed up as a police officer before he kidnapped and sexually assaulted a teenager last year.
Celebrating diversity

Celebrating diversity

Coffee Break, a photo by IT instructor Daniel Shorten, shows three men enjoying bananas and bottles of Stoney Tangwasi in Nyeri, Kenya. The piece is part of an international photo exhibition in the Red Deer College library commons, by RDC students and staff, celebrating diversity. It runs until April 12.
Closing up the view

Closing up the view

A Shunda Construction worker frames the space that used to hold a window at the top of the First Christian Reformed Church in Red Deer on Wednesday. The church’s elders decided against replacing the 40-year-old window near the top of the unique triangular roof in favour of simply eliminating it.
Farmer turns manure into clean water — and better profits

Farmer turns manure into clean water — and better profits

Processes that conserve water and reduce waste can also help livestock farmers keep more money in their pockets, says a swine producer from Bentley.
Shock talk

Shock talk

In less than 24 hours, right-wing shock pundit Ann Coulter told Canada she didn’t pay much attention to us, slagged one of our universities, and insulted Muslims.

Rail link needs rezoning

Parkland Refining Ltd. wants to rezone nearly 14 acres to build a rail spur to its refinery and tank farm just north of Bowden.
Texas Hold ’Em Fundraiser

Texas Hold ’Em Fundraiser

Dealer Duane Sokalski places a bet during a hand of poker at the Red Deer Lodge recently. More than 200 people gathered for the Catalina Swim Club’s fifth annual Texas Hold ’Em Fundraiser. Live and silent auctions followed by poker will hopefully raise more than the $28,000 last year’s event brought in. Proceeds are used to offset coaching, pool, travel and other costs by athletes.

Switchboard - March 24

Golden Circle Senior Resource Centre dance, Thursday, March 25, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the seniors’ centre. Dance to the music of Peace Hills Country Ramblers Band.
Navy’s 100th year to be celebrated

Navy’s 100th year to be celebrated

Prairie farmers made much better sailors than some people might have thought, says the retired Canadian naval officer in charge of centennial celebration to take place at the Red Deer Memorial Centre on Sunday.