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Train jumper finds himself on fast track to hypothermia

An Edmonton man is fortunate to be alive after he hopped a freight train and nearly froze to death Friday when he couldn’t dismount the train between Wetaskiwin and Blackfalds.

Switchboard - December 14

Poinsettia Sale in support of Central Alberta Women’s Emergency Shelter will be held at Bower Place Shopping Centre until Dec. 19.
Home Front - December 14

Home Front - December 14

Senior citizens can take part in the Red Deer Kin Seniors Light Tour. The event will take place on Tuesday and includes a tour by bus throughout the city to enjoy this year’s festive season and all of the beautiful Christmas lights that come with it.
Lighting up the season

Lighting up the season

A pedestrian passes the colourful light display at City Hall Park at dusk this week. With the snow that has fallen on Central Alberta over the past week, festive decorations have taken on a much more seasonal look. City Hall Park is especially appealing after dark when thousands of LED bulbs are turned on throughout the park.

Donations trickling in to Lindhout fund

A trust fund set up to help freelance journalist Amanda Lindhout and her family recover from her 15-month kidnapping ordeal is receiving little interest among Canadians since her release, says a Calgary businessman.
Red Deer’s Charger family

Red Deer’s Charger family

It all started with a lime green Dodge Charger sitting gleaming in a Red Deer car showroom.

Somalians praise Lindhout

Freelance reporter Amanda Lindhout is being hailed for her courageous efforts to interview hurting Somalians when international news media outlets have ignored what’s happening within the lawless country, say members of the Somalian community.
‘Dropped the ball’ on housing

‘Dropped the ball’ on housing

It’s been over 20 years since a lodge for low-income seniors has been built in Red Deer.

Charities feeling the pinch in fundraising

The Salvation Army Christmas kettles in Red Deer aren’t filling up as quickly as they have in past years.
Climate draft slammed

Climate draft slammed

Industrial countries criticized a draft global warming pact Saturday for not making stronger demands on major developing countries as tens of thousands of banner-waving protesters demanding “climate justice” marched toward the U.N. conference.