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WEATHER ALERT: Tornado watch issued for Red Deer area

WEATHER ALERT: Tornado watch issued for Red Deer area

Environment Canada has issued a tornado watch for the Red Deer area, including Ponoka, Innisfail, and Stettler.
Lots to do off-site during Westerner Days

Lots to do off-site during Westerner Days

It won’t be long before people will be flipping flapjacks, cooking chili and decorating businesses as part of the off-site activities for Westerner Days. Events are scheduled for throughout the city from this Saturday to Sunday, July 19.
Westerner Days begin one week from today in Red Deer

Westerner Days begin one week from today in Red Deer

It’s time to “celebrate the kid in you” at Westerner Days.Organizers are hoping that people will have a chance to relive their childhoods and also bring their children to create new memories during Westerner Days from July 15 to 19.
Thrilling email found too late

Thrilling email found too late

Blair Cramer of Red Deer is kicking himself for missing a coveted chance to attend the Michael Jackson memorial service in Los Angeles on Tuesday because he didn’t check his email on time.

Helipad’s possible closure mobilizes Sundre residents

It wasn’t just the possible closure of the Sundre helipad that drew more than 300 people to the Sundre Community Centre Tuesday night.
Benalto Fair and Pro Rodeo

Benalto Fair and Pro Rodeo

Morgan Grant of Granton, Ont., throws his calf before tying it for a 9.2-second time in tie down roping during morning slack competition at the Benalto Fair and Pro Rodeo on Saturday. In addition to rodeo events, the 92nd annual event sponsored by the Benalto Agricultural Society also featured bench shows of arts, crafts and baked goods, children`s events, a gymkhana and a Main Street tailgate sale put on by the Benalto Booster Club.
No official ruling yet on funnel cloud touchdown

No official ruling yet on funnel cloud touchdown

Weather specialists are expected to take more than a week to determine if a tornado or funnel cloud toppled trees and caused some structural damage just north of Red Deer on Saturday night.

City could ride high-speed rail to ‘Super Zone’

The Red Deer region stands to benefit from millions of dollars in new jobs and development when high speed rail runs between Calgary and Edmonton, says a report released on Monday.
Hillbilly wheels

Hillbilly wheels

Jerry Sutherland, left, admires Cliff Proctor’s Model T done up to resemble a hillbilly’s car.

Three Mile upgraded

Trails and amenities are being beefed up at Three Mile Bend off-leash dog park this summer.