TAKE NOTICE THAT the Plaintiff, Jason Todd, has filed a Statement of Claim, with the Court of King’s Bench. File Number 2303 13028 which you are named as the Defendant. The Plaintiff is claiming judgment against you. A copy of the Statement of Claim will be mailed to you upon request directed to the attention of Basil Bansal, the Solicitor for the Plaintiff, at the law firm of Diamond and Diamond Lawyers LLP at 4246 97 Street NW, Suite 103 in Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5Z9 Telephone number 780-665-1616 and Fax Number 780-665-1625.
Your whereabouts being unknown, the Court has ordered substitutional service upon you by directing that this advertisement be published on this occasion alone.
You have 30 DAYS from the date of the publication of this advertisement to file a Statement of Defence or Demand for Notice with the Court of King’s Bench in Edmonton, Alberta. If you fail to do so, the Plaintiff may proceed to note you in default, and you will not be entitled to notice of any further proceedings. The Plaintiff may then seek relief in your absence.
The Plaintiff has obtained an Order from the Court of King’s Bench in Edmonton, Alberta, allowing him to serve you by way of posting this Notice of Action in the Red Deer Advocate newspaper.