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A little bit of fiscal common sense goes a long way

In answer to “Let us ponder where we are going,” by columnist Chris Salomons, if I ran my business like the governments of Alberta and federally, I would have been bankrupt years ago.

In answer to “Let us ponder where we are going,” by columnist Chris Salomons, if I ran my business like the governments of Alberta and federally, I would have been bankrupt years ago.

Like many small business owners, you hold the line on expenses and ask a reasonable, competitive price for your services. If every government operated that way, we would be in excellent shape.

I was a councillor in Blackfalds back in the 80s and 90s, and we ran our town that way. We were the only town back then that was debt free.

Yet we built all the infrastructure so that Blackfalds could build to what it is today.

Our family has been in Canada since 1853.

We are considered Old Stock Canadians.

We, the British, alongside the French, the natives and Metis worked very hard to help make Canada what it is today.

Carmen Wallace, Red Deer