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A vote for the NDP is a vote for hope

Logan Garbanewski

Logan Garbanewski

New Democratic Party

Logan Garbanewski is a hard worker who is dedicated to community service. Logan studies education at Red Deer College, where he is a student leader.

As MP, Logan will be a champion for the people.

A hard worker, Logan spends his nights managing at a restaurant, his mornings in class, and his afternoons volunteering with the student ambassador leadership program. He strives to be a leader who empowers everyone around him.

Logan knows true “head to toe” medical coverage will enhance the quality of life for all Canadians and save our health-care system money in the long run. That’s why he’s standing with Jagmeet Singh and the NDP to fight for universal pharmacare, dental care and mental health coverage. He’s in this election for you.

The NDP will champion a national universal pharmacare plan and a national dental care plan — saving Canadians and their families thousands of dollars on average every year.

After decades of studies proving the worth of pharmacare and dental coverage, and 22 years of broken promises from Liberal majority governments, it’s time to get this done.

The NDP will bring in policies to help Canadians find a home they can afford. That means more money for homes people can afford, real action on money laundering and a tax on foreign speculators.

The NDP will take real action to reduce crippling levels of student debt. We must lift the weight of student debt that’s holding our young people down — and hurting our economy. We must take the interest off student loans.

The NDP has a bold plan and concrete actions to fight the climate crisis. This is the biggest, most urgent challenge of our time — and Canada must lead this fight. We have the resources and the technological expertise to lead on a number of fronts.

That means ending taxpayer subsidies to the big oil companies, committing to real, science-based emissions targets and directly helping workers access meaningful retraining programs during the transition toward a clean energy economy.

The NDP will ensure now is finally the time to ensure the super wealthy are paying their fair share, so we can deliver the help your family needs. That means introducing a super wealth tax, closing tax loopholes, and ending giveaways for the richest one per cent of corporations and individuals.

Canadians pay some of the highest prices in the world for cellular and internet access. The NDP will institute a price cap on cellphone bills that ensures Canadians are paying a fair price no matter where they live.

Voting for NDP candidates supports our efforts to be there to fight for you, no matter what. Electing NDP MPs will get results for people no matter what the overall outcome is on election day, for the priorities that matter to you.

A vote for the NDP is a vote for hope. When Tommy Douglas held the balance of power, we got medicare and public pensions.

When Jack Layton held the balance of power, the NDP cancelled $4.5 billion in corporate tax cuts and re-invested that money in affordable housing, education, Indigenous communities and support for workers when their employer goes bankrupt.

For more information on Logan’s local, grassroots campaign, visit him on social media. Or, to get a lawn sign, volunteer, or donate, check out

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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