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An appreciation for Alberta’s plight would be nice

I watched with dismay and chagrin, the debate Thursday night of our upcoming political candidates.

I watched with dismay and chagrin, the debate Thursday night of our upcoming political candidates.

I take exception to the references throughout their performances of six prime ministerial candidates. The gentleman from Quebec is not, and can never be, I hope, a potential candidate.

I am first, a Canadian; second, an Albertan.

I feel very sad that this man will be collecting a very good salary, plus numerous perks, as a member of the Canadian government, along with the colleagues of his party. And yet they do not wish to be in Canada, and wish to be their own nation. It is a paradox I do not fully comprehend.

I was so upset a few years ago when Quebec actually sought separation. Now, older and wiser (I hope), I do feel differently.

Their disregard for the plight of Alberta with its pipeline needs seems so unfair, and I fear for our country’s future.

Let us hope that with mutual understanding and the art of compromise, the next four years will foster the unity of all we share as Canadians.

Viva Le Canada!

Doreen Sturla Scott, Lacombe

Another term of Trudeau would be a disaster

Can Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer win the upcoming election?

Yes, as long as Canadians understand who Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is and vote right.

Trudeau thinks that Canadians are stupid. But let me tell you, we are not. What we are is sick and tired of listening to his lying tongue, his broken promises and manipulation.

So, the question is, which Trudeau are we talking about? The manipulative one? The lying one? The blame syndrome one? Or the schizophrenic one?

No matter which one, four years is long enough. Another four years would be a Canadian disaster.

Are we better off now than we were four years ago? No! As a matter of fact, we are in a worse situation. Our deficit is sky rocketing, we have a carbon tax and an influx of refugees.

We are in conflict with China, and U.S. President Donald Trump played Trudeau like a fiddle.

Then we have two jets. Trudeau tries to tell Canadians that he really needs them.

We have pride parades and climate change parades, and who is behind all this? Trudeau.

We need a prime minister with back bone and leadership qualities. Someone with morals and strength to lead the country. Not a guy who can’t even run a lemonade stand. Nothing rankles more than Trudeau’s hypocritical behavior.

Trudeau is willing to give Canada’s economic future away just to stay in power for another four years. The Liberal hypocrisy knows no boundaries.

The only way to win this election is for Scheer to knock Trudeau out in the first round.

Hank Meyer, Red Deer