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Conservative MPs have done little for Alberta

Paul Mitchell

Paul Mitchell

People’s Party of Canada

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and yet expecting a different result.

However, for decades, Alberta has sent a massive crop of Conservative party members of Parliament to Ottawa — but have any of them ever once demanded Alberta pipelines be imposed over the objections of other provinces like B.C. or Quebec? No.

Have Conservatives ever demanded the equalization money be dramatically reduced to Quebec, and the system be made fair for Alberta? No.

Have they ever demanded we restore sanity to our runaway immigration system? No.

Did those Conservative MPs demand we reject terrible UN agreements like the Paris Accord that directly target our oil and gas sector and force us to give away billions of dollars to foreign countries? No.

Instead, these elected Conservative members of Parliament toe the line and follow instructions from Ottawa. Year after year, nothing changes. That is insanity.

Guess what?

The time for bold reform has arrived, and the People’s Party of Canada will shatter the rotten system in Ottawa.

Will will impose pipelines using Section 92(10) of the Constitution. Alberta has waited long enough. We will also change the equalization formula to make it fair for Alberta. Finally!

Furthermore, the People’s Party of Canada will reduce immigration from 350,000 annually to 150,000 maximum, with a strong focus on economically beneficial immigration.

And, we will end the federal government’s billions of dollars in foreign giveaways, and put the needs of Canadians first.

To help your personal finances, the People’s Party of Canada will eliminate income tax below $15,000, have a flat tax of only 15 per cent on income from $15,000 to $100,000, and a flat tax of 25 per cent on income above $100,000. This will give a big tax cut to working Canadians.

We’ll scrap the carbon tax and not replace it like Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer wants to do by shifting it to “the heavy emitters,” which is code for our Alberta oil and gas sector. Shame, Andrew.

We’ll also prioritize health care by taking the GST away from Ottawa, and handing it to the provinces as a dedicated health-care fund. This will dramatically increase health-care funding here in Alberta.

We will fight for locally important issues, like rural crime and property rights. My private member’s bills on this will empower Canadians to use force to protect their property, and favour the rights of property owners over criminals.

They will also allow rural Canadians, who frequently have no chance of any timely police response, to use their legally owned firearms for self-defence purposes.

We are also not afraid to discuss politically incorrect topics.

For example, my private member’s bill, the Protection of Preborn Children Act, would defend viable preborn babies from late-term abortion past 24 weeks when they can live outside their mother.

This bill has already garnered the support of more than 60 candidates from coast-to-coast, and would allow Canada to join with every other democracy in the world, which all have such laws.

This election, there is very likely to be a minority government, and if the People’s Party of Canada holds the balance of power, we will fight hard to get our issues like pipelines, equalization, health care and low taxes to the front of the line.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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