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It’s high time we recognized the overreach of government

Do you trust the government?

Do you trust the government?

Most people I talk to say no, and as we see our freedom and property rights taken from us, I wonder when it will be enough.

After 54 years of business in the firearms industry, we have seen a lot, but this sweeping ban of legally owned firearms, that are not being used in crimes, is the tip of the iceberg.

And you can argue all sides, but the real truth is not firearms, it is property rights. And as we now see with the COVID-19 virus, we are not always being told the truth.

As we see many friends and family taking the financial and emotional brunt of legislation being made by the federal government telling us “we are in this together,” they clearly are not.

They have guaranteed income, security and power to totally control us, and do what they think is best.

And before the COVID-19 virus, there was no attempt to communicate the real truth of their spending, so for the Liberals and Justin Trudeau, they now have an open wallet, and eventually, will walk or run away from the fallout.

But as if that is not good enough, they are dictating to the point of total unbelief, even for us easygoing Canadians, as we are known to be.

When opening an email from our church to reveal the regulations for a church service, there was some common sense, but no singing maybe. But to say if you are 65 years old, you cannot attend the service, is hard to swallow.

Our ministers have chosen to not hold the service, as about 80 per cent of their congregation is over 65 years old.

I feel that what more can the government do? Well, they could at least crack down on the real criminals who are smuggling illegal firearms, but instead, they are confiscating law-abiding, tax-paying citizens’ legally owned property.

Some may say, well, it doesn’t affect me, but this is the start. And to say they will pay fair market value, well, New Zealand tried that, and it didn’t fly.

But again, this doesn’t affect many of us.

And as I have been to Ottawa, and sat on unpaid advisory committees, I do have some experience, and I personally believe the government shuffles the cards with a loaded deck regarding information to the citizens.

Many do trust what they hear in the news, but I know a lot don’t.

Am I ranting? Yes, but I am encouraged that many young people, despite always being on their phones, are far more in tune with the real world, and do not trust the government.

And yes, we do, I guess, have to have a government, and it is now like trying to herd cats, as they have taken so much of our freedom and rights.

I don’t have the answers, but I am at least wanting to ask them, and hope not everyone will just hand over their property and be told they can’t go to church if you’re 65 years old.

Linda Baggaley, Red Deer

Linda Baggaley is president of Bud Haynes & Co.

Auctioneers Ltd.